Q. Can devices shrink your penis and weaken erection?
In my limited play with devices I found that after a few days my penis seemed to shrink and my erections appeared to become a little weaker at times.
I am not 100% sure how much of this was psychological, i.e. I simply believed this to be case as opposed to it being real, as I did not take any measurements.
In my case, and this is only with very short term wear, I found the effects, assuming they were really present at all in the first place, to be temporary and reversed within a couple of days of device removal. (Although I have to admit, I was quite worried, since I'm not one of those who wants to be totally feminised in that way, at least not yet anyway!).
I would be interested to know what others have found, particularly those of you that are growers and wear very tight fitting devices for extended periods.
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3 Months of Lockup I can Only Get Half Hard |
Your penis is like a sponge. A bunch of empty cells that, when flooded with blood, cause an erection. Your body gives you erections during the night to keep your penis functioning properly because, as you may know, our instinct is to fuck and impregnate.
Now, when you eliminate the possibility of erections (and hopefully you have a device that has little to no room to expand) you eliminate that exercise. And when you stop exercising you get weak.
I was locked'n'denied 14 months (my longest time) once and when I became unlocked it took a good month for my cock to get hard again and another month to be back to my "normal" size. But then I got locked again and that's another story.
This timeline maybe different for you. It may also have to do with age. My guess is that now almost 15 years later at 50 my recovery time from being locked 14 months might be very extended.
In short, you will experience some shrinkage and loss of hardness to some degree based on your length of time locked and your age. BUT, I believe, you can recover your size and hardness.
The other variable, is if you are locked, but your keyholder unlocks you and edges you every week ... you might never experience shrinkage.
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